Tap Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer
Sapateadora, Professora, Coreógrafa
Interview with Melissa Tannús that was broadcasted on the TV Show "Uberlândia de Ontem e Sempre"
Interview with Melissa Tannús that was broadcasted on the TV News "Jornal da Vitoriosa"
Interview with the Syncopated Ladies on KTLA Morning News
Article about the Syncopated Ladies on October's Issue of the magazine Dance Spirit (October/2014)
Article about the Syncopated Ladies on October's Issue of the magazine Dance Spirit (October/2014)
Article about the Syncopated Ladies on October's Issue of the magazine Dance Spirit (October/2014)
Article about the Syncopated Ladies on October's Issue of the magazine Dance Spirit (October/2014)
Article about Melissa on the Newspaper Hoje em Dia, from Belo Horizonte, Brazil (September/2014)
Article about Melissa on the magazine Veja BH, from Belo Horizonte, Brazil (August/2014)
Article about Melissa on the newspaper Correio de Uberlândia, from Uberlândia, Brazil (January/2014)
Article about Melissa on the newspaper Correio de Uberlândia (June/2013)
Article about Melissa on the Magazine Cult, from Uberlândia, Brazil (June/2013)
Article about Melissa on the newspaper Estado de Minas, from Belo Horizonte, Brazil (June/2013)
Article about Melissa on the newspaper Correio de Uberlândia, from Uberlândia, Brazil (February/2010)
Interview with the Syncopated Ladies on Hollywood Junket, right after their So You Think You Can Dance performance
Faça Dança - Multishow
Article about Melissa's life - http://multishow.globo.com/webseries/faca-danca/materias/melissa-tannus.htm
Página Cultural
Article about Melissa's participation in Melinda Sullivan's Dance Project - http://paginacultural.com.br/melissa-tannus-deve-voltar-ao-brasil/
Article about Melissa's career - http://noticias.r7.com/dino/entretenimento/sapateadora-melissa-tannus-ingressa-em-carreira-internacional-12082014
Stuff Fly People Like
Article about the Syncopated Ladies' new video, "Roar" - http://stuffflypeoplelike.com/2014/08/07/choreographers-corner-all-female-tap-crew-syncopated-ladies-release-roar-fly-visual/
The Examiner
Article about the Syncopated Ladies' appearance on So You Think You Can Dance - http://www.examiner.com/article/all-female-tap-band-live-tonight-on-fox-s-so-you-think-you-can-dance
Article about the Syncopated Ladies' performance at the Fowler Museum, located at UCLA - http://dailybruin.com/2014/09/15/syncopated-ladies-taps-into-innovative-techniques-in-fowler-performance/